The best bang for the byte: Characterizing the potential of DNS amplification attacks
1. Abstract
DNS amplification has been instrumental in over 34% of high-volume network DDoS attacks, with some floods exceeding 300 Gbps. Today’s best practices require Internet-wide cooperation and have been unable to prevent these attacks. In this work, we investigate whether these best practices can eliminate DNS amplification attacks and characterize what threats remain. In particular, we study roughly 130 million DNS domains and their associated servers to determine the DNS amplification potential associated with each. We find attackers can easily use these servers to create crippling floods and that few servers employ any protection measures to deter attackers.
Docker 是一个开源的应用容器引擎,基于 Go 语言 并遵从 Apache2.0 协议开源。Docker 可以让开发者打包他们的应用以及依赖包到一个轻量级、可移植的容器中,然后发布到任何流行的 Linux 机器上,也可以实现虚拟化。容器是完全使用沙箱机制,相互之间不会有任何接口,更重要的是容器性能开销极低。
- 开发的程序最终的运行环境为Linux,开发环境不方便调试,并且避免了“代码在我电脑上没问题”的情况;
- MacOS上并没有好用的SSH管理工具,Windows上则有很多方便快捷的工具,直接使用ssh命令会出现掉线,文件传输不方便等情况,Docker则可以直接将主机目录挂载到;
- Docker是轻量级的容器,相比虚拟机而言,对电脑资源的要求更低,启动速度更快。
为了解决部分网站、邮件客户端未使用加密协议的问题,可以通过在云服务器上搭建VPN(Virtual Private Network,虚拟专用网),使用VPN来对敏感流量进行加密,从而达到保护个人信息的目的。
本文使用环境:Ubuntu 16.04
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